From the earliest days, it was clear that COVID-19 would make a significant impact on the lives of people in their retirement years. For those relying on investments for their income, the drop in markets set off alarm bells. For those whose mental and emotional health is nourished by family visits and volunteerism, the instructions to “stay home” are deeply disheartening. For those who feel the threat of infection most acutely, the news stirs up our deepest anxieties and fears.
Yet we have been reminded too of the resilience and creativity of those who have poured their home-bound time into making phone calls, offering prayers, sewing masks, stocking foodbanks, planting gardens and filming videos for their grandkids. For many of these saints, such a response comes naturally. After all, they’ve always seen retirement as a time to use their life experience and abilities to transform the world around them and continue building God’s kingdom.
Before COVID hit Canada, Christian Courier talked to several seniors about the myths and realities of retirement and, most of all, how to do what the Lord requires with the time we’ve been given. Even though much of life has changed for these seniors, we’ve decided to share this article because of the hope and joy it still offers. May we be inspired by the ingenuity of these seniors. May we find ourselves echoing the resolution of retiree Mike Hoyer: “As long as I can do some good, I will do it.”
Read more here.