Christina Van S.
About Christina
Welcome to my website. I hope the articles you read here bless you.
I am a mother of three, military spouse, and writer.
I have been writing for as long as I can remember. The first story I can recall creating was from grade one about a fuzzy polar bear. The pages were cut into the shape of a bear, and I raided my mom’s sewing kit for stuffing to make sure that bear was fuzzy. What that fuzzy bear did, or why it was important for him to be fuzzy, I don’t remember, but I do know it was important.
Another one of my passions is teaching people, though not in a classroom setting. There are far too many people in one of those rooms for me to be comfortable. I prefer small group settings, which is why I have turned to leading small groups and creating Bible studies for them to go through. And because I want to ensure that the words coming out of my mouth and off of my keyboard are Biblically accurate, I’ve started taking courses on theology.
If you would like to know more about what I’m up to please join my mailing list. You’ll get a brand new prayer every week (right now we’re working our way through the Old Testament), and a longer newsletter four times a year to let you know some of the fascinating things I’ve learned. You can also connect with me on Facebook: @christinavanstarkenburg.